Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May Trips

May has been one chaotic whirlwind of a month in our home.  But I'm so thankful for the time we could get away and visit family.

Ashyr and I went to Springfield for four days.  We went to celebrate my parent's completion of BBC. While there, we got to meet precious Ridley for the first time. My parents babied me a lot and I loved every minute of it.   So did Ashyr!

Over Memorial day weekend we were able to visit Grant's family which was also wonderful.  It was a fast weekend, but we are glad we were able to still go.  Plus we got to meet the beautiful Vivian at last! Such a doll and the sweetest, calmest baby girl ever!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day #2

I had a wonderful mother's day this weekend.  Plenty of time with my boys who took me out to a favorite place.  Love those two! 

Ashyr loved daddy's carrot and cucumber juice. 
Wouldn't look at the camera for anything, but I love it anyway.
These are the flowers that Ashyr picked/yanked from a bush and handed them to me in handfuls. I couldn't resist even though normally he would be told "no." A perfect mother's day bouquet!
And he drew me a picture. Isn't it beautiful? It's hanging on our fridge.
This was my second mother's day and was very special. I was overwhelmed all day by how thankful I am for Ashyr, the baby in my womb, and for Grant who made me a mother.  I'm also so thankful for a godly mother who has been a great example for me.  So excited to see her this week!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

34 Weeks and Preparation

This week I'm 34 weeks and feeling a little better than I have the past few. The baby has shifted into a position that has not been as uncomfortable and painful for me. Hope this continues especially over the next few weeks while we travel. I have also begun working on my long list of "To Do Before Baby Comes."

I started the 2 week plan at 32 weeks which means appointments every other week. Yesterday while the listening with the Doppler, the baby decided to stretch out and it contorted my whole belly in front of everyone. Made us laugh.

Last night I also took a water birth class. Of course I had this with Ashyr, but it was a nice refresher for me. The most important thing I was refreshed on was going into labor with an open mind and not so much on water birth.  (Obviously Ashyr's birth taught me something about being open-minded.) The reason this water birth class was refreshing in this way was because the speaker said that only about 25% of moms who plan a water birth actually have one. I was pretty surprised by this!

Now I'm not going into labor expecting a water birth (or even a birth center birth for that matter). I'm preparing myself to be open minded with scripture which will bring peace no matter what this birth looks like. This was BY FAR the biggest help for me last time and I truly believe the one thing that brought me through without panicking. Even in the scariest moments (i.e. Grant seeing the head while we were in our apartment and the midwife rushing here) I had scripture comforting me all along.

Sure, I want to be prepared in the practical ways--bags all packed, calling immediately at the first sign of labor, understanding water birth, baby projects and to do's completed etc. But I don't think I could do anything better for myself as having God's word tucked away in my heart and mind.  Nor would it be wise to solely lean upon my own strength, Grant's strength, or the midwives abilities.  When I think about it, God is the one forming this baby in the womb anyway, so why not lean upon Him for my source of strength and comfort to bring it into the world?  Makes too much sense...

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139:13

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I have a monkey named Ashyr. Seriously.  In the past week he has evolved from busy little boy to pure monkey.  He just figured out climbing--everything. Couches, coffee table, bed, and even into drawers.  I have been told by a couple friends with boys that they can be crazy, and wow they were right.  Scary thing is he is only 13 months!  What will he be like at 5 years old? The word acrobat comes to mind.  *Sigh*  I sure love my energetic boy, but I wish I had the energy and physical capacity to keep up right now.

His favorite is this green chair.  First thing every morning (hence the pj's), he runs as fast as his little legs will go into the living room to climb it. 

And of course he is just so proud!
Standing in a drawer...this will not be happening again although he has attempted multiple times.
Unfortunately, bumps and bruises come with the territory. He got his noggin pretty good yesterday as you can see. But he was a trooper and kept on going (well after a few tears...both baby and mama were crying--broke my heart!)