Thursday, February 24, 2011

37 Weeks

This is a monumental week. Ashyr is now considered full term and could come at any time even though my due date is 3 weeks away. I breathed a big sigh of relief when I woke up today. A full term baby's lungs are mature enough to adjust to life outside the womb, and it also means I can deliver at our birth center. Had he come sooner, I would have had to gone to the hospital to deliver. I now have appointments once a week until he comes. Yesterday my midwife went over labor details and I couldn't believe I have come this far already. Seems like yesterday I was at my first appointment waiting nervously to hear the heartbeat and feeling extremely nauseous.

Week 37: This week he is as long as a lofty stalk of Swiss chard (a bit over 19 inches). Weight is around 6 1/3 lbs.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Things I'm Looking Forward To

When I saw this today, I laughed. I can relate.

So one of the first things I want to do after I have the baby is polish my toes (and unswollen toes at that!). Here is a list of other things I look forward to in just a few weeks:

drinking a latte
eating seafood
not huffing and puffing everywhere I go
wearing normal clothes (except I do like the maternity pants!)
a pain free back
putting on my own socks and shoes

Believe me, there are more. I have really enjoyed being pregnant, don't get me wrong. It has been a sweet time of reading the Bible and growing in the Lord, doing things I won't be able to do as easily with a baby, and resting as much as I need to. And of course it has been a special time between Grant and I as we anticipate the birth of our first child. I know that having a baby will bring many more challenges with it, but I have a feeling the joy will outweigh them all...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 36: A crenshaw melon. Weight is about 6 lbs and length is over 18 1/2 inches. Apparently, this week is about the time when the baby sheds all the downy covering of hair that protects them in the womb.

Over the past week or so, I have had a lot less anxiety about giving birth. It is the first time during the entire pregnancy that I feel prepared and not fearful. I guess I am at the point where I am just super ready for it to be over and hold him in my arms!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby Shower

I was blessed (and spoiled) yesterday by friends and family at my baby shower. They were all so thoughtful to come and shower me with gifts for Ashyr. I received the perfect combination of baby cuteness and practical items to use when he gets here. Here are a few pictures from the party.

Lovely decorations by Suzy

Gift time

SO thrilled Charisa could come!

Thanks Jen for throwing it for me, it was perfect.

One other highlight of the shower was when my adorable nephew Nathaniel (almost 4 years old) came up to me and innocently asked, "Ashlee, have you already taken your shower? Are we going to watch you?" Made me crack up, what a cutie!

Friday, February 11, 2011

35 Weeks

Only five weeks (or less!) left. Can't believe it. My appointment this week was another good one, still measuring right on. Since he has gotten bigger in the past couple weeks, he doesn't have as much room to maneuver. But he still manages to finds some for his acrobatic moves. They literally take my breath away now that they are so forceful. And I feel a foot in my ribs here and there--a strange sensation I must say.

Week 35: A hefty honeydew! He tips the scale around 5 1/4 lbs and measures over 18 inches.

Monday, February 7, 2011

National Marriage Week Feb. 7th-14th

This week is National Marriage Week, a week dedicated to celebrating commitment, building stronger marriages, reducing the divorce rate, and improving family life.

This makes me reflect on my own marriage. I can't believe we will have been married for 2 years this spring. I feel like we have already grown so much together, and I look forward to what our future holds. It will only get better I think.

I am so thankful to have a husband who first loves God and allows nothing to become more important to him. And the fact that he loves me despite all of my faults, which are many, is pretty incredible. It is humbling that he loves me where I am right now as a person, but at the same time encourages me to grow and become more like Christ daily.

I am thankful that he provides for me and soon for our baby too. He goes to work everyday without complaining, while I get to stay at home removed from the pressures of a career. I love that he desires for me to be a stay at home wife and mommy to raise our children.

Even the small things mean so much. Complimenting my cooking or an outfit, seeking to find out how I am doing, calling me throughout his workday, and setting aside time for me daily means the world. And most importantly, helping me put my snow boots on while I am pregnant.

The list goes on and on...

It is an honor to be married to you, Grant ♥

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Nursery

I finally have pictures for you of the completed nursery! It was pretty fun (and a lot of work) sewing the pillows, bedding, and diaper changing pad, but my favorite is the crib mobile I made, isn't just a cute little touch? We were fortunate to find some sweet deals along the way, so we were able to do it ALL under $150! Yes, that includes the crib, furniture, decorations, and fabric!

I have already been sitting in there while crocheting or reading (okay...and daydreaming), and it feels pretty soothing. I am hopeful it will have the same effect at 3 a.m. with a screaming, hungry baby!