This is a monumental week. Ashyr is now considered full term and could come at any time even though my due date is 3 weeks away. I breathed a big sigh of relief when I woke up today. A full term baby's lungs are mature enough to adjust to life outside the womb, and it also means I can deliver at our birth center. Had he come sooner, I would have had to gone to the hospital to deliver. I now have appointments once a week until he comes. Yesterday my midwife went over labor details and I couldn't believe I have come this far already. Seems like yesterday I was at my first appointment waiting nervously to hear the heartbeat and feeling extremely nauseous.
Week 37: This week he is as long as a lofty stalk of Swiss chard (a bit over 19 inches). Weight is around 6 1/3 lbs.
I can't believe you're only 18 DAYS away!