Friday, October 29, 2010

20 weeks

halfway there :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Quick Trip to Manhattan

Yesterday we made a quick trip to Manhattan to visit my brother and his family. He is deploying for his 3rd time back to Iraq in a month, so we wanted to visit while we can. It was a great seeing their new home, baby Noah, and a surprise visit from my best friend from college! I was so confused when their doorbell rang and they said it was for me. I went to answer it and it was Charisa! They invited her over for me which was AWESOME. It was a lovely time with friends and family, just wish it had lasted longer.

Here's me with my nephew Noah (decked out in KSU)! I can't believe how fast he is growing-we still praise the Lord for the miracle!

My cute nieces :)