Friday, November 18, 2011

8 Months Old

Well Ashyr is growing like a weed. In the past month he has really filled out (but he is still long in skinny). His personality has developed quite a bit too we think. He can be really funny and laugh at absolutely nothing in the corner by himself or he can be calm and pensive absorbing something for a long time (many times it's just his hands that he will stare at). One of the things he likes to absorb is music. It's amazing how fast it gets his attention. He stops whatever he is doing and just stares at the source of the music and listens, especially when it's Grant playing the guitar. He loves it.

Something else that Ashyr is doing right now is escaping me when I change his diaper and clothes. He is always so ready to go-go-go and I'm finding myself putting a leg over him to keep him still. It doesn't always work (he's stronger than you would think!) and he ends up crawling around the nursery naked for awhile. What does it hurt I guess? At least in this picture I got his diaper back on for you, but this is a great example.

Such a cutie. He makes me laugh all day long.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011