Friday, March 30, 2012

Third Trimester and Pressure

I'm so happy to say I'm officially in the third trimester. Yesterday I had a checkup which went really well--the baby's heart beat was 155 bpm and I'm measuring at 27". I also had to to the tedious glucose test, but at least this time chugging the orange drink didn't make me nauseated like it did with Ashyr. But once again, they couldn't find a good vein, so I had to be stuck three times. Don't exactly love needles.

Anyway, now that I'm 28 weeks and in the home stretch, I'm starting to feel a decent amount of pressure (and not just the kind of pressure from having a watermelon weighing down on your bladder 24/7). There is so much to be done between now and June 21st. You know, remodeling a house (new roof and windows-check, check!), packing, moving, changing the nursery (that one isn't necessary, but I've had a hankering to mix things up), and plenty of diy projects for this baby girl. Not to mention the need to mentally prepare myself for labor again. I felt like I had all the time in the world when I was pregnant with Ashyr, but now that I have him to watch, things tend to be counterproductive.

I have been unnecessarily anxious about all these things and while I still do feel a sense of urgency, at the same time I've been trying not to focus so much on these things which really don't matter in the end. My anxiety about it all has compelled me to study the Bible vigorously instead, tend to our current home and Ashyr to the best of my ability, and simply do what I can, when I can on the things that are pressing.

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