Wednesday, March 7, 2012

25 Weeks (and Losing Count!)

I am now 25 weeks into this pregnancy and that sounds super far to me. The third trimester is just around the corner! I honestly lose track all the time how far along I am and actually have to look it up using an online calculator. It's crazy that I'm usually a week behind in my thinking. This was not the case with Ashyr, quite opposite in fact. I always wanted to be further than I was.   I'm guessing I'm behind with this one because I found out so much later, so time is slipping away (or maybe it's from chasing around a busy boy all day...hard to say)

Funny how different this pregnancy has been than with my first. Literally everything has been different--my sickness, my bump, the aches and pains (worse back pain this go around), and my emotions which have been much more difficult for me to control (Is that because it's a girl? I don't know, I've heard stuff like that before).

Thankfully everything is going really well though. Last week at an appointment, my midwife said the baby is still growing right on track and the heart beat was in the 140s. And this little girl has been very busy in mama's womb, especially at night (as in right when I lay down to try and sleep--but that's okay, I love it).

Here is a picture of me today at 25 weeks. I went ahead and did us all a favor by cutting my head off. I was looking pretty scary...wet hair (just made it look greasy) and no makeup to cover the black circles under the old eyes. But no worries, I made sure to include a picture of a much cuter face instead. :)
(I seriously think he looks more like daddy everyday!)

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