Monday, January 9, 2012

Teething and Weaning

The two most difficult things so far in my days of mommyhood.  I have never wanted Ashyr to grow up too fast (and I still don't) but I can say that I am ready for these two stages to be over..soon. Months 8 and 9 have seemed like they are dragging.  I absolutely hate seeing him in pain, constantly chewing on his little fingers and crying.  Teething is terrible, why wasn't I warned more about this?  And with baby #2 on the way, I really want him to be weaned by one year.  Having a couple months of not nursing a baby sounds wonderful! 

I can tell progress is being made in these areas, but it has been slow.  Seriously, why can't baby teeth just pop in over night instead of taking weeks?  I feel like I am trying to constantly console and comfort him all day (and night) and that becomes very taxing when you are already fatigued.

Needless to say, I am even more thankful for each smile and happy moment we have together right now.  


  1. Hello Ashlee, this is Melissa Gurba. Ashyr has such big, bright, blue, beautiful eyes. I am sure he is a joy and congratulations on the next little bundle of joy.

  2. Baby #2 on the way?! How very exciting! Congratulations to you and Grant!!!

    Cute picture of Ashyr...precious as always!
