Monday, January 23, 2012


As of Thursday after signing more papers than I ever have in my entire life, Grant and I became homeowners. It feels pretty good, but I don't know that it has quite sunk in for me yet. It was such a long process, and we weren't sure that it was going to work out with this particular house. But it did, and we are thankful.

Now we get to fix it up. So we spent all day long Saturday at our house (we have been practicing calling it that now--feels strange!), Home Depot, and Sherwin Williams. There are so many decisions within decisions to be made--paint, lighting, flooring, appliances, etc.  The list goes on.

And I thought wedding planning was a lot of detailed decisions...


  1. Yay! Congrats! I didn't realize we both posted about houses within 3 days of each other! lol
