Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Grant and I headed south last week to Texas. Our first stop was in Austin for 1 1/2 days to visit Grant's sister and her husband. It was an interesting stay-quirky eclectic shops, food served from trailors, and deep fried doughnuts topped with brownie chunks and hot fudge at 11pm. The food in Austin is certainly a reflection of the creative people who live there. Check out this hot dog we got!

Next we headed to Dallas for a NAA conference. Friday night was family fun night including lots of junk food and bowling at Dallas 300 with other members of NAA. Saturday was the actual conference from 7:30 am to midnight (sorry no pics). It was a really long day, but we learned a lot, ate like royalty, and met some spectacular people.

The trip was busy and exhausting after driving through the night twice, but well worth it. Now looking forward to North Carolina in July for the next conference!

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