I typically don’t make New Year’s resolutions. But I do have some goals that are already established, so I will use those. They are technically just continuations of things I am already working on that I want to make more progress with in 2011:
1. Memorizing the gospel of Matthew. Right now I have chapters 1-7 down pretty well, just 21 more to go. I need to catch up with Grant, he’s almost done!
2. Reading more books off my classic book list. In 2010 I read: Jane Eyre, Don Quixote, Robinson Crusoe, Wuthering Heights, and currently War and Peace. My list for 2011: finish War and Peace, then read Anna Karenina, Great Expectations, and The Republic. And a couple not from the classic list: Unveiled at Last, and Husband Coached Childbirth (before March!) We’ll see how much time I have for leisurely reading after the baby comes.
3. Continue to sharpen my sewing, crocheting, knitting, and cooking/baking skills. Plus I have so many new things and techniques I want to learn in these areas.
4. Chip more away at the old debt snowball and be almost done by the end of the year. (Thank you, Mr. Ramsey).
5. I guess the whole “New Year's resolution” list wouldn’t be complete without something related to diet and exercise. Mine is to get back to my pre-pregnancy size once I have the baby. I’m not setting a time frame (summer would be nice), but in general that will be the goal. If I don’t get back to it exactly, I’m not going to fret. I’ve heard some things are just never quite the same :)
But if all these fail, that’s okay. I really want to deepen my relationship with Christ more than anything. If I do that, I will count 2011 a success.
Well friends and family, Happy New Year!